Sunday, November 22, 2015

“No” is Gender Irrelevant

That’s right. “No” is gender irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if you’re straight, or LGBT. It doesn’t matter if you’re approaching a guy as a guy, a girl as a girl, or in a more traditional manner. If the other party isn’t interested, stop. The rules don’t change just because you’re living an alternative or a traditional life-style. And you’re not exempt for any reason! Respect, politeness, and kindness doesn’t change with your sexuality.

Respect is a vital aspect for any society. And respect begins one on one. Respect then grows from there to up to country to country. Respect, of course, works both ways. If you’re a straight guy/gal, and you’re approached by another guy/gal, just polity state you’re not interested or you’re straight, or whatever, just be polite about it.

If he/she becomes aggressive, that of course changes the narrative, but there’s still plenty of room for politeness. I’ve been approached many times over the years, and by and large the guys have been very civil in their behavior. A simple and polite, “I’m not gay,” usually is enough. But, as they say, “There’s always one in every crowd.” Each circumstance should be handled accordingly. With that said, I’ve never had to resort to any kind of violence.

Respect, politeness, and kindness, in my opinion, should be everyone’s first life-style choice. Beyond that, people will always congregate with people that are like minded. It may take a while to find each other, but eventually life sorts itself out.

May you be filled with the blessings of respect, politeness and kindness.

David E. Gonzales