Monday, September 14, 2020

Hate’s Design


Hate was designed to be destructive. 

Hate has no positives, and yet, it will always exist, as will love.

     Hate exists through its acceptance as a normality, as does love.

Hate is a result of choices made, as is love.

     Hate wants your soul, as does love.

Hate wants your death, love wants your life.

     Hate, through segregation, was designed to keep ‘different’ people, apart.

Hate, through abortion, was designed to keep minorities, minorities.

     Hate, through welfare, was designed to keep the poor, poor.

Hate, through victimization, was designed to keep people, dependent.

     Hate, the projects, was designed to keep ‘others’ invisible.

Hate, through oppression, was designed to suppress speech and religion.

     Hate, selfishness, apathy, is preached by Satan, love, hope, fervor, is exhorted by God.


Hate was designed to be destructive.


May the peace of Christ fill your hearts, and the love of God fill your soul.


David E. Gonzales