I’m self-isolated. I’m fine, just doing my part. I
have a lot of time to think, good or bad, here is some of it.
see few aircraft flying through the sky. I see few cars on the road. I smell
fresh air. I sense similarities between now and 19 years ago. After 9-11 air
traffic stopped. Cars and trucks slowed to a crawl. The air cleared. There was
both a calm and a tension.
That tension was created by an unknown element. Then it was terrorism.
Today it’s a virus. Then as now, both are setting a mood of uncertainty. The
stock market doesn’t know how to react. Money’s not being made, but the
underlining cause isn’t financial. The uncertainty is time and extent.
The public, us, are also uncertain how to react. Suddenly thrust into an
unfamiliar life style. A few weeks ago we were so busy and the virus was so far
away, now it’s here. Today many of us have so much idle time. Time to think
about “the virus” and all the effects it’s causing. Even those on the front
lines, as busy as they are, are thinking about all the effects of this
In times of stress we could fall back on our favorite activities to help
us relax. But now many of these activities are shut down or severely limited.
Now we’re down to the core, or at least our core. Our families, our friends and
of course our faith.
Since most, or many, of the spiritual places we congregate are closed,
we need to find options to find solace. The “E” world is filling a void, it’s
good, but not the same. In reality it’s our faith, that which is in us, that we
need to lean on. Not out of choice, but, instead, necessity.
We have arrived at a time where it’s necessary to draw on the faith we
profess. Whatever your faith, it’s time to trust in the promise. It’s time to
understand what “living your faith” really means. Take a look at some of your
favorite religious texts and see if you find new meaning in them. Or perhaps
the solace you/we are looking for and need. I fill my need with ‘1 Corinthians
As I read these verses I replace the word love with charity. I
understand this is the root word used in the original texts. It reminds me that
love and my faith are one of giving. To you it will most likely be a different
verse, and it most likely it will just as personal, just as meaningful.
We trust in the professionals to do their jobs. Now let’s trust in our
faith and do our jobs, as well as we can. We are all different as to how we can
contribute, some simple and some grand, all are meaningful and all are needed.
So stop, breath, read, recite and bring your faith to a higher level of understanding.
Bring your faith to a higher level of practice.
God’s peace
be with you. God’s blessings, always.
David E. Gonzales