Monday, November 19, 2012

Porno, no, no.

             Porn, in print or film, is a stimulant and as any stimulant it can become a substance for addiction. In the case of child porn, which I consider the most grievous and disdainful act of sexual expression, the injury to children must not be tolerated to any extent. In the Bible Jesus states that, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea”. (Mat, 18; 6) This teaching is as clear as it gets. To me, child porn is a clear example of distancing ourselves from our God, Spirit, or Higher Power. This is also a clear example of not living a spiritual life. This type of sexual behavior is not in the context of love that our God has taught us. This is not the love of charity, of taking care of one another; it is a destructive action, one taken out of the context of reality.
As does any stimulant, it excites the senses and makes us feel good. At least for a short time, that is as long as the drug or stimulant is in force for the mind and/or body react accordingly. One of the problems with these kinds of artificial stimulants is that they distort reality. It is this distortion of reality that can create a world that has been normalized to the abuser. The abuse becomes the standard by which they live their lives. Whether the addiction is drugs, alcohol, or sex, the addicted will be able to justify their actions based on the strength of their perceived need. In this case the addiction is sex, each person, men and women alike, will find a way to satisfy their particular exaggerated perception of their sexual desire.
            There is most notably the abuse to the unwilling participant in printed or video porn. The exploited children, women and men are the victims of abuse. By engaging in the porn industry, print, film, computer sites, or graphic-illustrations, you are contributing to the continue abuse of this group. No industry can exist without profitability, and right now the porn industry is as profitable as any that exists.
            If you are engaged in this type of visual or physical behavior, or know someone who is, please check out,

Scripture citing is from the NABRE
by David E.Gonzales

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