you woke up Sunday morning and went to Mass to celebrate the resurrection of
the Lord. Well, you were partly right. Sunday does celebrate the resurrection
of our Christ, but technically, it was celebrated Saturday evening. The “big”
Mass in the Catholic Church is celebrated with the Saturday Vigil Mass. This
is not saying that Christ was resurrected on Saturday evening, only that in the
Church the day begins, at sunset, the night before. Therefore Saturday evening
is Sunday; this is true for every day of the year.
the “big” mass you ask? Let’s start with nine, that’s right nine readings, seven from the Jewish
bible (Old Testament), one epistle and one Gospel. The Mass begins after sunset
outside, symbolically searching for Christ.
Mass is celebrated with three distinctive parts:
I is called The Service of Light. Here the Paschal candle is prepared for the blessing
of fire and lighting of the Paschal candle.
II is the Liturgy of the Word, followed by the Homily,
III is the Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, both Baptism and
Confirmation will be celebrated. This is
also when the water is blessed; the Paschal candle may be lowered into the
water as part of the blessing. Following the Baptism and Confirmation of the
candidates the Mass continues in the customary manner. Oh, one more little thing, today is officially called “Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord.” Just in case you were wondering.
I have significantly over simplified this remarkable celebration, but what fun
would it be to give away all the secrets? This Mass is as beautiful as any in
the Catholic Church, if you can attend this service it will be well worth the
extra time this Mass requires. Word of note; there is only one Easter Vigil Mass held, so be sure to contact your parish to
see what their particular arrangements are.Yes, our Lord is risen!
the light of Christ rising in glory dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.”1
1. 1- Roman
by David E.