Palm Sunday
Luke 22; 14 – 23, 56.
Jesus offers the new covenant of life in the form
of bread and wine,
The apostles argue over which one of them will be
the greatest,
Jesus teaches humility.
Peter denies Jesus 3 times,
Peter is the rock that Jesus builds his Church.
Jesus asks his disciples to pray with him at the
Mount of Olives and twice he finds them sleeping,
his response to them is his prayer for them, that they
do not undergo the test.
Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss,
Jesus does not condemn or judge Judas.
The chief priests and temple guards go the Mount
of Olives and try to arrest Jesus,
Jesus voluntarily goes with them.
A disciples strikes the right ear of a servant,
Jesus heals the servant.
While bound before the Sanhedrin, he is struck and
Jesus remains silent.
Jesus is interrogated by Pilate,
He offers no defense.
Jesus is tied to a post and flogged,
He offers no resistance, he makes no condemnation.
As Jesus is crucified on a cross,
He begs for the forgiveness
of his executors,
He offers no
As Jesus hangs near death a condemned thief asks
for mercy,
Jesus promises the thief a place in heaven.
The love of our God through his Son our Christ has
never before been so selflessly displayed, nor has it been since this day. Yet
we find it so hard to follow God’s law of love, and oh, how often we fail!
“Father, into your hands I commend my
Spirit”. (Luke; 22; 46)
Scripture is from the NABRE
by David E. Gonzales
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