Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pentecost , Which one? And why?

Acts 2; 2-11 / John 20; 19-23

Most interesting, the difference between the stories’ of Acts 2: 1-11 and John 20: 19-23. Acts is full of the visual flare we have come to expect in the tradition of the Old Testament (Jewish bible) while John’s Gospel is in the tradition of a quiet spirituality.
So which is it? Are we to believe the story in “Acts”, the dramatic visual effect of tongues of fire resting on the heads of the apostles giving them the power to preach to all corners of the world? Or are we to believe “the Gospel of John” the more simple breath of God giving to these same apostles, the power to peacefully forgive the sins of humanity? Or perhaps the whole truth cannot be told in a single simple story. If we put the two readings together we have God giving us the power to aggressively and enthusiastically live in and preach peace. Imagine that, aggressive peace!
I’m not sure what “aggressive peace” looks like, perhaps I’ll be privileged enough to witness it in my life time. For now I prefer to live in the quiet spirituality of John, or at least the John in this passage.
May the power of peace given to us through the Holy Spirit be with us all now and forever.

Scripture as per the NABRE

by David E. Gonzales 

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