Monday, November 4, 2013

Love/Charity: A Different Perspective

Our Love looks up to God,
We find God’s love is first waiting for us,
Without an expectation of return,
But instead with Hope.
We accept this Love,
Then we turn this love inward,
And Love ourselves as well.
Artist Unknown
We then turn that love outward to others,
Without an expectation of return.

This is Charity.

Mark, 12; 29-31
            Jesus replied,
the first is this: Hear, O Israel!
The Lord our God is Lord alone!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
The second is this:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these.

By David E. Gonzales

Scripture from the NABRE 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Thirty Day Verbal Cleanse. (Spiritual Balance)

You’ve heard of the 30-day Body Cleanse? This is usually where you drink certain natural beverages to cleanse the body of impurities. This could be before you start a diet or just for general health. The Thirty Day Verbal Diet is essentially much the same thing, except this is more for the mind and soul than specifically for the physical body. Just as we feel bloated or tired when our bodies are full of impurities, our minds, or conscience, feels sluggish when we don’t take the time to improve how we think and speak. We just feel better when we cleanse or clean out these impurities. Although some would say that a clean mind contributes to a healthy body.

The Thirty Day Verbal Cleanse is just that, a cleaning up of your vocabulary. Changing the way we express ourselves requires most of us to slow down our thoughts. We are then able to process our thoughts using a different approach of self-expression. Not only are we using different words we’re changing the way we structure our speech. We then use words that actually express what we’re feeling, seeing, or experiencing at any given moment.

Taking the time to think through your thoughts and express them not only helps others to understand what you are thinking and feeling, but you also understand what you are experiencing in a clearer fashion. Taking the time to write down the experience you desire to relate to another person helps clarify this same experience to yourself. This deliberate act slows the thought process even more. The words you use are an expression of who you are. However this does not mean you have to or need to be wordy. Being succinct with your expressions helps to grab and maintain the attention of others.

During this time of cleansing take notice of how the people in your life, professional or personal, respond to you as you say something that they didn’t expect you to say. This is also true when you don’t say something that they did expect you to say. You may be surprised at the positive responses you receive. Your use of language is perhaps the single most important expression of who you are. And you use it every day to nearly everyone you meet.

Why bother with the Thirty Day Verbal Cleanse? Many of us may experience a feeling of conflict when we use words of an expletive or of a derisive nature. This would also include the kind of language used to bully another person. Usually these feelings of conflict arise when we do something that is not consistent with what we believe as true or coincides with our core selves. This internal conflict occurs as we realize that spiritually we are not this kind of a person. A verbal cleanse can help you self-evaluate your spirituality resulting in a more peaceful you.

Living your life within your beliefs of Spirit, Higher Power or God will help you get in touch with your personal spirituality. This in turn should reduce internal conflict and stress while allowing you to think clearer and with increased focus.

I wish you all the best in your journey for a better mind and body and soul.

by David E. Gonzales