Saturday, November 8, 2014

Are you Congruent?

Are you living your life in a like manner to your beliefs? Is your life modeled in your understanding of God, Spirit, or Higher Power? Are you in turn feeling out of balance? It could very well be that your feelings, your lifestyle and your understanding of faith are out of balance.

This out of balance can be brought back into a feeling of wholeness by changing or modifying your lifestyle. This could be a lifestyle based n eating habits, e.g. going vegan, bringing you into a physical balance as well as a psychological balance, e.g. not participating in the cruelty of animals by abstaining from eating meat.

In this case, going vegan can help bring your conscience awareness and your sub-conscience awareness into harmony and creating a personal balance. This example of creating balance is a fairly simple one. Other more deeply rooted issues may take some significant soul searching to discover. It may not be possible to discover these issues without talking to someone in confidence.

Having someone to talk to, in confidence, is an incredibly important aspect of a person’s life. Being able to speak freely without any fear of public disclosure can bring about personal discoveries enabling personal growth. Personal, healthy growth will bring about personal congruency. This personal balance helps to keep life from moving so fast, it helps to keep you from being swept away in the fray.

When you have a good balance of mind, body and soul, life seems to flow increasingly
Unknown artist
smooth. While there will almost always be some rapids to negotiate, moving through these rough channels of life will undoubtedly be easier. Congruency, harmony, balance, you will find these concepts in many of the ancient and modern religions and spiritualties. It takes a lot of work, time, mediation and conversation to really find one’s center, and even more to maintain it.

As life is ever changing, so too is our understanding of ourselves and our place in this world. By remaining sensitive to our surroundings and our place in them we can identify inconsistences that maybe attempting to creep into our lives. Talking about them, and writing them out, can help to define these inconsistences and bring about long term personal peace.

Your personal peace will be a blessing to others in your life and to those you meet along the way. It will help you in your decision making process, and it will help to keep you centered on a life well lived.

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always

by David E. Gonzales

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