So, the vitriol of this post-election
is starting to quiet just a bit. I’m going take this moment to express a
thought. The stats coming from the real vote are showing that it wasn’t the
white vote that put Trump over the top, it was the minority vote. Trump
received a lesser white vote than Romney. This is the Black and Hispanic vote,
primarily. Where did these votes come from? And why were they not considered by
Traditionally these votes
weren’t cast. They weren’t cast out to the the fear of being chastised by their
peers. They were expected to stand in line and heed the elites. Oddly enough,
this should have been expected. As an example, in ’08, the conservative black
vote in California was the difference for voting in a State Constitutional
amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman. There is no doubting the
fact it was the conservative black vote that put this proposition into law. The
fact that this was the largest minority turn-out ever and having it overturned
and thrown back at them as a disgraceful action, only added to the minority

Where this trend goes
from here is an unknown. These are indeed uncharted waters we/they are
exploring. It will be interesting to watch this new silent conservative
minority develop. If it develops at all. Perhaps a new effort will be made bring these
voters back into line. Perhaps, it’s too late for this type of action. The
minority vote has been considered a “giving” by the Democrats for some time. It
is conceivable there was enough time, for some, to breathe the air of a new
I believe this is a
lesson re-learned. Any group of people that perceives themselves to be
suppressed, will eventually revolt against the elite class, their perceived
suppressors. Conservatives have increasingly felt as if they have been
chastised into a corner. And it appears to be oozing out in some very unusual
places. The most dangerous thing to any elitist class, is a free thinker.
Certainly, this new
President will have an impact on what is to follow, at least in this respect. If
he can truly bring forth a message of “WE” instead of “division”, we could be
in for some very interesting future elections. The predictability of the race
vote could be gone forever. And I kind of like the sound of that.
May our diversity always be a blessing.
by David E. Gonzales
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