Monday, September 2, 2013

It’s not just a tagline.

           There is a blessing derived from scripture that seems to go largely disregarded. It’s one of those “last things said” that has seemingly become mundane in its use. But to me this simple blessing is not only meaningly powerful but personally meaningful. This is a blessing that warms my heart. It’s a blessing that says you really care for and about me and me about you.
           I use this blessing both as a general blessing and as a personal blessing. When I use this as a general blessing I am extending this to all who are reading my posts/blogs or all who can hear me at any given time. But it’s still personal, in that I truly mean it as an extension of God’s love for us all. When I’m using this in a personal manner I am specifically extending Gods love through me to you, an individual.

           I believe that this is one of the greatest blessings we can offer one another, for God’s love through Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit is the foundation of our faith. We are called to love one another above all else. “For there is no greater commandment that these”. (Mark 12; 29-31) Well here it is, short and to the point. From my heart to yours.

May the peace and love of Christ be with you now and always.

by David E. Gonzales

Scripture from the NABRE

1 comment:

  1. Thank you David...
    When received as something more than a tagline... this is one of the best and most comforting of blessings.
